The Undeniable Testimony

Galatians 1:11-24

Pew Bible Pg. 945


I.  Our Before Christ (B.C.) life must be a part of our testimony.


    A.  We must admit that we are sinful rebels.                                                                               vs. 13-14


     B.  Even without "dramatic" details, the miracle of salvation is real.


II.  Salvation is an act of God.                                                                                                       vs. 12, 15-16


     A.  His grace is the foundation of our salvation                                                                                vs.15b


      B.  God's Word is our foundation for the renewal of our minds.                                                  vs. 17


III.  Other people should be affected by us.


       A.  The transformation is undeniable.                                                                                             vs.  23


       B.  God gets all the glory!                                                                                                                   vs. 24




Are you still living in B.C. days?



If you have surrendered to Jesus Christ, what is your undeniable testimony?



Are you ensuring that God receives the glory in your story?

